Monday, 23 June 2014


With over 60 Million Facebook “Likes”, Lady Gaga gets Social Media.
Her fans check the Facebook updates, follow the Twitter feeds, and watch the YouTube videos almost religiously.
So how does she do it? Emotional Connection. Lady Gaga, even with her celebrity status, builds a direct relationship with her fans by sharing “real” stories about herself and her values. Fans can relate to her as a person. But that’s not all. She connects directly to the fans, her “Little Monsters”, by inviting them to be a part of her career.
How can your business do this?
Be Real.
Personality matters. Does your business have one? Celebrities are people with public lives so it’s easy for fans to figure out their personalities. With your business, it’s important to create a personality so that everything you do, from sales to customer service, is tied to that personality and brand. It’s not just about selling a widget. If you want to be known for incredible service, for example, then every single customer interaction has to result in a personal “wow” moment. No exceptions. Give your customers an authentic experience and have them share that experience through your Social Media.
Don’t Sell. Have a Conversation.
Nobody likes a hard sell. Especially when they’ve taken the time to visit your Facebook Page or read your Twitter Feed. It’s annoying, and a turn off. Instead, have a conversation that engages your customers. Lady Gaga, for example, once asked her fans to upload videos of themselves dancing to her latest songs which she then compiled into a cool video that appeared on Saturday Night Live. Ask your customers to share photos of them enjoying your product, or hold a contest for best product re-design. Make it interesting and do this often. This builds community and ultimately, a community is the best referral network you can have.
Unique Content
Offer your customers fresh, creative stuff on your Social Media. There is nothing worse than a stale Facebook Page, or a dead Twitter Feed. Update regularly. Share your thoughts about product design. Ask your customers what they would like to see, instead of just promoting your product. And be different. If you are a small business owner, for example, have someone interview you about your passion for your product or service. Post it on your Facebook Page or YouTube channel. This is unique content which gives your customers a chance to connect with you directly.

Lady Gaga has created a powerful “voice” through her Social Media. The recipe is simple. Be real, engage your customers, and create a loyal community. The sales will follow.
Credit: mbury.


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