A Chief Customer Officer represents the customer in the boardroom and actively manages customer engagement policies and procedures across the organization. CCO’s embrace customer advocacy and strive to strengthen customers’ emotional connections to the brand using targeted ad campaigns and new service channels. The key role of a Chief Customer Officer is to learn what customers value about the company and how customers feel about the level of service currently being provided. A Chief Customer Officer then takes that data and executes change to close the gap between customer expectations and actual experiences.
Chief Customer Officers have the ability to form multi-channel, multi-department teams to closely monitor and proactively adjust policies and procedures to maximize customer satisfaction. When customer-centricity is promoted from the top down, an organization will see rapid adoption across all management levels and a resulting increase in brand advocacy.
86% of consumers quit doing business with a company because of a bad customer experience, up from 59% 4 years ago. Source: Harris Interactive, Customer Experience Impact Report
Most companies have been monitoring customer satisfaction, but not many have been acting on the results. To effectively increase customer loyalty and the resulting revenue – organizations must employ an executive who can quickly identify unmet customer needs, rectify satisfaction issues regarding policy and procedure, and most importantly, manage the customer experience.
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